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Anyways, this website will take you through my journey across the vast world of computers 8.

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Welcome to Terry's computers 8 journey!

This journey starts with typing, like how any good thing starts. On the day I first stepped foot into Computers 8, I was told to type. The next day, I was told to type. And unbeknownst to me, I would have to do this for the next entire month. At the time, my top typing speed was 55 wpm.


A few days later, we started working on Adobe Illustrator. Our first project was making a vector image of Mickey Mouse. Like the overachieving geek I am, I decided to turn poor old Mickey into an eldrich horror. Yeah, in hindsight, I don't think I was supposed to do that.

Now that we knew the basics of Adobe Illustrator, we were told to find a portrait of a person to turn into a vector image. For me, the hardest part of this project was finding who to turn into a vector image. Everybody I looked up to was either 1. Already made into a vector by someone else, or 2. Has a scraggly and messy beard which I don't know how to turn into vector. Finally, after a few hours of contimplation, I decided to use a portrait of Erwin Schrodinger, a famous theoretical physicist and one of the fathers of quantum mechanics.


The next thing we learned was Adobe Photoshop, mainly the mask tool. To start off, we photoshopped a tiger and a bear onto some faces.

Then, we had an assignment to visually represent our 'Open Mindedness'. Again, because I was so audacious, I decided to do some totally unnecessary things that, in hindsight, I probably shouldn't have included.

Next, I photoshopped myself in a lot of different positions to create an illusion like there are many mes.

After that, I photoshopped a dog onto Albert Einstein's face.